Adding Wordcloud macro to your page

Adding the macro to your Confluence page

  • Go to any Confluence page where you want to add your wordcloud.
  • Press Edit (or 'e')
  • Type /wordcloud on the page and select the Wordcloud for Confluence macro.
  • Your Macro is added to the page and you can configure it before displaying a wordcloud.
  • Configuration options:
    • Size: Select a size for your wordcloud - options Large, Medium or Small.
    • Filter stopwords: If enabled, common stopwords like ‘from, to, hello, I, you' are removed from the wordcloud
    • Include subpages: If enabled, the macro will display words from subpages of the current page.
  • Note: All configurations are auto-saved on update.
  • Once configured, you can hit publish and wordcloud will be displayed on the Confluence page.